Amelander kast

17th century
206 x 182 x 80 cm


Amelander kast

This cabinet is a very fine version of a Frisian five-door cabinet and is called "Amelander kast".
The two upper doors with two arches and the blocks carved from solid wood is characteristic of Frisian cupboards of the time.
In the middle is a small niche, the so-called "secreetje". A secret compartment that can only be opened from the inside.
The richly decorated door, carved like a flower still life. Such a flower still life was called a "blompot" in those days.
We have sold an almost identical cabinet by the same maker about eight years ago to the Scheepvaart Museum in Sneek, where it can be admired.
Literature: North Dutch furniture, from Renaissance to early Baroque 1550 - 1670 written by Loek van Aalst and Annigje Hofstede

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